Matthew Mark: "watch this space..."
FrancoisTrahan: "I think everyone is aware that there are serious problems in commercial real estate. This chart comes from a WSJ article and shows office space vacancy rates hitting all-time highs as 2023 came to an end. It is a bit surreal to think that this is worse than conditions seen in the late 1980s/early 1990s! Here is a quote from the article comparing today with that era => 'The crisis of the early 1990s ended abruptly after the economy started booming again. Vacancies plummeted, and companies gobbled up space. This time, most analysts expect offices to stay emptier for longer because vacancies have less to do with economic cycles and more to do with the growing popularity of working from home.'
The crazy part in my mind is that it is clear the economy slows in 2024/25 and makes this worse before it ever gets a chance to improve. One to keep track of in 2024. We shall see. FT"